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              BD Locator(BD-100)

              BD Locator(BD-100)

                BD-100 is a global star navigation system positioner supporting BD navigation system and GPS navigation system. It has Omani-directional real-time positioning function and can meet the professional positioning requirements. It can be widely used in automobiles, ships, surveying, fishery production and other fields. The NMEA-0183 signal output by the positioner can be used for Radar, Autopilot, ECDIS and AIS ,etc.

              1. The GGA, RMC, VTG, ZDA, GSA, GSV, HDM statements that meet the definition of NMEA0183/IEC61162-1 standard data transmission protocol.Statement format: $** GGA, etc. (baud rate: 4800-38400, data bit: 8 bits, no check, stop bit 1).

              Output statement:

              (1) When GPS works, output:

              "GPGGA", 1HZ;

              "GPGLL", 1HZ

              "GPZDA", 1HZ

              "GPRMC", 1HZ

              "GPGSV", 5HZ

              (2) When BD works, output:

              "BDGGA", 1HZ;

              "BDGLL", 1HZ;

              "BDZDA", 1HZ

              "BDRMC", 1HZ

              "BDGSV", 5HZ

              (3) When working in GN combination mode, output:

              "GNGGA", 1HZ;

              "GNGLL", 1HZ;

              "GNZDA", 1HZ

              "GNRMC", 1HZ

              "BDGSV", 5HZ

              "GPGSV", 5HZ

              2. Data transmission mode:

              RS-422 output, current: > 50mA, can directly drive N standard IEC61162-2 input ports.

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